My Eyewitness Account of Agenda Setting
Media Framing: ABC7 Eyewitness News

Mass communication news media is extremely important for all of us to understand what is happening around us! How else would we know what we know?
Well, we know what’s going on through agenda setting theory.
As I do most days, I watched the 10 a.m. segment of ABC7 Eyewitness News, but this time I was in search of agenda setting theory in action.
What is agenda setting?
Simply, agenda setting is the act of the media raising the importance of an issue through repeated news coverage. Its focus is to direct audiences what to think about, not what to think.
Media…not telling us what to think, but what to think about.
Informing the daily conversation.
Telling people which issues to talk about.
Spotting agenda setting can be a difficult task because it happens so subtly! Here are some ways to identify it:
- Framing
- Priming
- Issue Obtrusiveness
ABC7 Eye Witness News Agenda Setting
I spotted framing during an ABC7 Eyewitness News story highlighting a new mask designed for people with sensory processing challenges. Watch the video here. (8:26)

Story framing highlights some aspects of a story and purposely eliminates others.
This is cunning. It allows people to think they came up with their own opinion/conclusion on the story, but actually, the media shaped the narrative for you to reach this conclusion all along.
As I watched, I made my observations about what was said. From my observations, I questioned my current situation.
“Wearing a traditional mask can be very uncomfortable.”
My observation: Yes, masks are uncomfortable.
Question: Is there a better way?
“We worked with a socially conscious company.”
Question: Are the masks I’m currently wearing representing social unconsciousness?
“Very soft.”
Observation: My masks aren’t soft.
Question: Why am I putting up with scratchy masks?
“There’s a clasp.”
“If the mask were to fall.. it’s safe because it’s sitting around your neck and doesn’t fall to the floor.”
Observation: Using a clasp is safe because my mask falls off. My masks now seem unsafe.
My conclusion:
- This new mask sounds like a better alternative to my current masks.
- These masks are a better option for people who don’t have sensory disabilities as well as those who do.
- Although I don’t have a sensory disability, I’ll consider buying one for myself.
Although I came up with this conclusion on my own, the story was presented in a way to lead me to this conclusion by omitting any negative aspects of the new mask.
Addressing negative aspects could redirect audience support. So, this story narrative framed the issue by leaving them out.