Newsflash: Digital > Traditional

Emily Espitia
3 min readFeb 18, 2021

Extra, Extra! Scroll All About It!

Flipping through the weekly newspaper makes Sundays feel complete. I should know, I used to have a subscription to the LA Times.

However, my mornings spent exploring the pages of print news became impractical.

Between work and graduate school, finding time for sprawling oversized broadsheets across my dining table was (and still is) rare.

As much as I enjoyed my moments with the LA Times, my print subscription remains unrenewed.

While I’ll always have a soft spot for print, busy schedules require news consumption with a little more verve. The ease and efficiency of digital delivery just make sense.

Pew Research Center

Smartphones, tablets, and computers provide access to stories and information any place at any time, and I’m not the only one excited about this! More than eight-in-ten American adults prefer the same.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m checking the headlines on my phone or other devices before I even get out of bed. But hey, it seems that 71% of Americans age 19–29 are doing the same. In fact, we’re receiving and sharing the news before we even turn on the t.v.

Digital sources are completely transforming the way individuals receive and understand their news.

Betches The Sup satisfies the need for quick and easy content digestion. I look forward to their daily email newsletters that simplify convoluted storytelling into brief, understandable reads for my on-the-go schedule. The news comes to me, I don’t even have to search for it.

Betches The Sup

More so, The Sup integrates successful synergy amongst their news content and social media channels. They have become pros in identifying and fulfilling audience needs by assimilating to social media culture. Their quick-witted captions provide a relatable take on news coverage that both informs and entertains.

These efforts to serve audiences have created something even greater: a personal approach. The writers at Betches make readers feel as if a friend is sharing the news, not a journalist. Personal communication is important amongst news media, especially online. It instills trust amongst readers and garners positive retention.

Note to self: relatability and connectivity are the perfect pairings for the future of successful digital news.



Emily Espitia

University of Florida Graduate Student | Mass Comm, Advertising & Social Media